Travel and Venue Information:

Travel information here:
* One of the more distinguishable markings in the area in the area is Washburn Rural High School. The buildings are right next to each other with the TallGrass Learning Center in between.
* Simply park in the school's parking lot and follow the signs into the cafeteria.
* The nearest airport that I'm aware of is Kansas City international Airport. It is about an hour and twenty minute drive from the airport to the Middle School.

Venue information here:
* The cafeteria the competition is taking place at is the middle school that I am currently attending. The venue features a center stage, precise lighting, more than enough tables for competing and spectating, as well as a projector for live results, and a microphone for announcements. Once inside you will see signs directing you into the cafeteria. This is a great venue for a potentially great competition! :)