Travel and Venue Information
UC Irvine - Doheny Beach Meeting Rooms (A & B)
A, 311 W Peltason Dr
Irvine, CA, 92697
Here is a link to the student center, which the address above takes you to:
^^^^Located on the left side of the first level. There will be signs directing you to competition.
Parking Information:
Parking permits are required Monday through Sunday. Visitors may pay park at short-term or metered spaces for $2.00 per half hour. Parking meters take quarters only. A one-day parking permits, which allows you to park in general spaces, may be purchased for $10.00 at the parking structure across from the Student Center. Because of this, PLEASE TRY AND CARPOOL. Contact cubers around you and carpool to save on parking! (It's also great for the environment :D)
The closest airport is the John Wayne Airport.
Hotels + Lodging: