
Time Event Cutoff(Soft/Hard)
8:00-8:30 Registration   
8:30-10:00 3x3 Round 1 None
10:00-10:30 Square-One Combined Final 00:45/1:15
10:30-11:30 4x4 Combined Final 1:15/2:00
11:30-1:00 7x7 Combined Final/Lunch 6:30/8:30
1:00-2:00 3x3 OH Round 1 00:45/1:00
2:00-3:00 5x5 Combined Final 2:15/3:00
3:00-4:00 Skewb Combined Final 00:30/1:00
4:00-4:30 3x3 Round 2  
4:30-5:00 3x3 OH Final  
5:00-5:30 3x3 Final  
5:30-6:00 Awards  

NOTE: If there is time, an additional round of either 3x3 OH or Skewb may be added before 3x3 finals depending on popular opinion. 

Cutoffs are subject to change at the competition and current cutoffs will stay in place if the competition is running smoothly and on time. Events may also be cut, and will be based on popularity of the event. One handed Final Round will be cut first if the competition is running behind schedule.

The times in the cut-offs column are in minutes, where the first number is the soft cut-off and the second is the hard cut-off. To make the soft cut-off, the competitor must get at least one of their first two solves below the prescribed time.