
Time Event
8:30-9:00 Registration
9:00-12:15*** 4x4 BLD
9:00-10:15 3x3x3 Round 1
10:15-10:30 2x2x2 Round 1
10:30-10:45 Pyraminx Round 1
10:45-11:45 3x3 OH Round 1
11:45-12:15 Lunch and Magics
12:15-4:00*** 5x5 BLD
12:15-12:45 3x3 Round 2
12:45-1:30 4x4 Combined Final (1:30 cutoff time)
1:30-2:30 5x5 Combined Final (2:30 cutoff time)
2:30-3:00 3x3 OH Final
3:00-3:07 2x2 Final
3:07-3:15 Pyraminx Final
3:15-4:00 3x3 BLD Final
4:00-4:30 3x3 Final
5:00 Awards

***NOTE: During the time slots for 4x4 BLD and 5x5 BLD, competitors can notify a judge at any time when they wish to complete a solve. The solves do not necessarily have to be done all in one sitting.