Do not register unless you have been directed by a competition organizer to do so.


We are no longer adding people to the waiting list for Remember the Alamo 2015.



The main event (3x3 speedsolve) is included in the base fee of $15. Additional events are $1 each. Payment is required online at the time of registration. If you need to cancel your registration later on, please contact the organizers on or before 11:59 PM on April 4th, 2015 in order to receive a refund of your registration fee. Otherwise, this fee is non-refundable. If you would like to register but cannot pay in advance due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the organizers and we will do our best to make other arrangements to accommodate your situation. We advise that you do this before registration opens as the competition may fill up within a few days.

Please note that a maximum of 40 competitors can be accommodated at this event. Be sure to register early to guarantee a spot!

Your registration is not complete until you have paid through PayPal. If you do not pay, another competitor may take your spot, and you will be dropped from the registration list, and there is nothing we can do about this except place you on the waiting list if you place a request through the "Contact" tab.

Once registration is filled, if you would like to be placed onto the waiting list, please use the "Contact" tab. If a competitor drops from the competition, we will contact the first person on the waiting list. If no reply is received within 48 hours, we will contact the next person on the waiting list.

Registration is now full.