Time | Event | Cutoffs Soft/Hard |
8:00-8:30 | Registration | |
8:35-9:05 | 3x3 With Feet | 3:00/5:00 |
9:05-9:45 | 3x3 Blindfolded Round 1 | None/10:00 |
9:45-10:30 | 3x3 One Handed Round 1 | 0:55/2:00 |
10:30-11:50 | 3x3 Round 1 | |
11:50-12:20 | 3x3 Blindfolded Final | None/10:00 |
11:50-1:00 | Lunch | |
1:00-1:25 | 3x3 One Handed Round 2 | |
1:25-2:00 | 3x3 Round 2 | |
2:00-2:15 | 3x3 One Handed Final | |
2:15-2:45 | 3x3 Final | |
2:45-3:00 | Break/General Cleaning/Awards Prep | |
3:00-3:15 | Awards | :) |
3:30-4:30 | Fewest Moves Contest | 1 Hour Time Limit |
4:40-5:40 | 3x3 Multiple Blindfolded | WCA Time Limits |
5:45 | Cleanup/Other Awards | :) |
**The cutoffs you see here are subject to change.
Soft cutoff: for average of 5 events, at least one of the first two solves must be under the soft cutoff time to complete an average of 5
Hard cufoff: any times over the hard cutoff will be a DNF