Mishawaka 3x3 Day 2016
Febraury 27th, 2016 [02/27/16]
St. Mark Missionary Church -- Due to many phone calls and emails they recieved from competitors prior to the last competition I organized, the venue has asked I do not link to their website, or provide any means of communication(phone number(s) or e-mail addresses). If you have any questions about the venue, contact Tyler Brodzinski, this competitions organizer, through the contact tab of this website.
55240 Bittersweet Road, Mishawaka, Indiana 46545
Please be mindful that the competition is located in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States. Travelers/cubers from out-of-state or from the west side of Indiana should be aware of this change.
Registration Fee:
This competition is recognized as an official World Cube Association competition. Therefore, all competitors should be familiar with the WCA regulations. If you are new to competing, you may want to look at CubingUSA's Competitor Tutorial.
If you would like a in depth tutorial of what it is like when competing, please watch this video. Shoutout to Chris Olson for such an awesome tutorial.
Note(s): No Lunch will be provided or offered by the organizer/volunteers/or anyone who affiliated with the venue. There are many options for lunch if you continue South on Bittersweet Road.
Dress warm, it is Febraury and the venue does not keep the room(s) warm.
Sponsor(s): TheCubicle.us will be sponsoring the compeition. You can find them here.