Please make sure you pay online! This secures your spot in the competition, and helps the organizers get a better idea of the turnout and ensure that the compeititon will run as smooth as possible. 

Your registration is not complete until payment is received. Please note that payment of a registration fee demonstrates a commitment to attend, and organisers use this information for planning and scheduling. Because of this, registration fees are non-refundable. If you wish to change your registration, then you will be charged for any increase in registration fee, but you will not be refunded for a decrease (e.g. any dropped events). 


In the comments section of your registration, pelase list six of your favorite Pokemon (No legendaries, please). Doing so will guarantee you a swagalicious ID badge, yours to keep after the competiton is over. Not doing so will...well, there's no real negative, you'll still get an ID, but you should do it. If you don't know many Pokemon go here (, uncheck "Ubers," hit "Generate!" and input the Pokemon you got.

THE LIMIT FOR THIS COMPETITION IS 151 COMPETITORS. If you see that registration if full, and you would still like to enter, you can register the day of the competition, but there will be a $4 addition to your fee. If you will be paying for on-site registration, but you still want a swagalicious ID badge (see above), please email me at with your name and your six Pokemon. Keep in mind that you should only email me if you are 100% sure that you can attend. (If you have never competed before, please send me also your date of birth and country of origin)

Registration is now full.