Time: | Event: | Cutoff (Soft/Hard) |
7:45-8:15 | Registration | - |
8:00-9:30 | 3x3 Round 1 | - |
9:30-10:30 | 2x2 Round 1 | - |
10:30-10:50 | 3x3 Blindfolded Final | 15 minutes total |
10:50-11:50 | 4x4 Final | 1:15/2:30 |
11:50-1:00 | 6x6 Combined Final | 4:30/5:45 |
1:00-1:30 | Lunch Break | - |
1:30-2:30 | 5x5 Combined Final | 2:00/2:50 |
2:30-3:30 | Pyraminx Round 1 | Soft 0:30 |
3:30-4:15 | 3x3 One-Handed Final | 0:40/1:00 |
4:15-4:45 | 3x3 Round 2 | Top 32 |
4:45-5:00 | 2x2 Final | Top 10 |
5:00-5:15 | Pyraminx Final | Top 8 |
5:30 |
3x3 finals Awards |
Top 16 - |
A soft cutoff means that you will only be able to finish your average if you meet the cutoff in one of your first two solves. With a hard cutoff, you will not be able to finish a solve over the cutoff and it will be recorded as a DNF.
This schedule, including cutoffs, are subject to change. Please check here before the competition, and listen during the competition for announcements.